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We provide a comprehensive Cloud Lab to our engineers


MasterPeace provides a distributed interactive collaborative environment for our engineers to creatively address problems of current interest to our customers.  Innovation through development of new software, modification of existing software, creative application of vendor products and tools or any combination of these can be pursued by individual team members or by groups focused on a particular problem, issue  or interest item.  MasterPeace provides the tools and development environment to foster and protect such activity and considers the creative activity and associated environment as the Innovation Center.

As individual or team innovations mature to the point that verification and validation of their efficacy is needed or that structured capability demonstrations are appropriate, the MasterPeace development environment extends to include the IT structure, software tools and physical space necessary to support effective demonstrations.


We align Cloud Services to provide a robust, rapid capability to develop Solutions and Products in a collaborative environment leveraging the latest and greatest innovative tools:


  • Github – Repository and Wiki

  • ZenHub – Agile Development Management

  • Slack – Collaboration

  • Sharepoint and Office 365 – provide cloud based tools

  • Amazon, Azure, Google Compute – provide Scalable Platform as a Service compute capabilities


Our Cloud Lab also provides the capabilities to connect emerging new physical device platforms to Cloud services in a true IoT model. We offer our engineers personal, hands-on access to a wide range of IoT prototyping platforms including:


  • Raspberry PIs

  • Beaglebone Blacks

  • BBB CryptoCape

  • AES-encrypted keyboard

  • Open Z-wave devices

  • A variety of other input devices, sensors, servos, and robotic components


Our development process integrates these cloud platforms and IoT devices around project activities providing our engineers best in class tools, surpassing in-house capabilities of even large businesses that can easily be extended or replaced as new capabilities come on line.

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